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Coaching Competencies for Managers - powered by somatic

Change defines today’s reality, and it’s happening at an incredible speed, day by day.

Do you find yourself struggling to keep up with the pace of change?

Do you notice that you need to exert extra effort to keep up in order to achieve the results and goals you’ve set for yourself?

The Coaching Competencies for Managers training with elements of somatic coaching can help you create those opportunities!

The “Coaching Competencies for Managers – powered by somatic” training is a project based on elements of somatic coaching, starting from the premise that leadership and managerial skills can be learned and embodied through physical states.

The elements of somatic coaching we incorporate into the training release stress, increase productivity, enable leaders and employees to take more effective actions in challenging situations, aiming to create a healthy environment.

After this training, you will be able to:

  • Differentiate when it’s most effective to apply coaching and conduct constructive coaching sessions;
  • Improve engagement, retention of individuals in the team, and individual performance;
  • Develop deep connections with your body, feelings, and emotions;
  • Identify and adapt organizational values and goals to the values of individual team members.

The training consists of 8 MODULES, 2 HOURS PER MODULE, STARTING FROM APRIL 24, 2024.

Seize this opportunity to begin your personal and professional development journey and enhance managerial competencies that yield results!

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with our leading lady, Jelena, and find out the benefits this training brings in tackling today’s challenging situations. You can schedule your free consultation by sending an email to

Download the brochure HERE!

Sign up now by filling out the form below!

    Authentic Leadership

    Every employee and every company needs new knowledge and skills, especially now that the crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic knocking at our doors. The crisis cannot be avoided, however, what can YOU do now to mitigate the consequences? PREPARE A STRATEGY AND LEADERS FOR A NEW PARADIGM, quick decision making and a team for better results! Regardless of the circumstances that this change is bringing, waiting for the situation to return to normal is not a good option.

    The Authentic Leadership package consists of two one-day trainings:

    Leadership of the New Age and Male/Female Leadership, which are dedicated to the biggest topics that leaders of today and tomorrow will face. The two trainings are open to all managers and leaders. Especially, for those who want to go from a classic executive manager to a new age leader. They are open to all leaders who want to advance themselves and enhance their skills. As it usually happens, these two leadership trainings will offer you not only short-term motivation but also long-lasting results!


    • Understanding the magnitude and significance of change;
    • Understanding the need for urgent and permanent change;
    • Methods for change constants;
    • A clear idea of what is possible, and what needs to be improved;
    • Created action plan on how and what to learn from the opposite sex;
    • The knowledge that will guide you through the implementation of that action plan;
    • Developing your own leadership skills.

    Brochure download

    Managing Time and Priorities

    Efficient time management is becoming increasingly important and is considered one of the most essential modern-day skills. In an increasingly fast-paced world that brings upon new challenges and commitments on a daily basis, the popular saying “time is money” has rarely been more accurate, and with that efficient time management, skill companies and enterprises cannot function without. 

    It often happens that we do not have enough time to do everything we imagined. Especially when we look around, it might seem that everyone else has more time than us to do what they planned… a frustrating fact. Precisely because of this, there is a variety of literature, websites and consultants all of whom promise extra minutes, or even extra hours to our daily lives. 

    Naturally, one might ask him/herself “why do I then need another training/workshop that promises the same?”.  The answer lies in the fact that our one-day training can provide you with not only readily applicable tips, but also with practical exercises which you will be able to apply to your professional and private life as soon as you leave the door. 

    Upon the completion of the training, participants will acquire skills that will lead to their accuracy in performing their own tasks, as well as be enabled to identify and apply control over “time thieves”. In addition, participants will learn how to plan and give priority to more efficient work, to manage work interruptions more optimally, to identify the time-focus they are led by and the time-perception that is compatible with their personality type.

    This training is intended for everyone who wants to increase their efficiency at work, managers across all levels, and even teams.

    Communicate to Success

    Communicating in an open and healthy way is a key component of growth and success. Good communication skills are also key to strengthening relationships, eradicating misunderstandings, motivating employees and encouraging teamwork. Unfortunately, many people have never learned about effective communication, which is somewhat understandable because the prevailing view in society is that good communication comes naturally. 

    The first, and perhaps the biggest mistake people make is to think that communication is exclusively what is said or written. While what is said or written are very important components, according to the rule of Albert Mehrabian only 7% of communication is spoken words, while the tonality of the voice represents 38% and body language the other 55% of the communication.

    The goal of this training is to enable participants to:

    • Recognize their personal style of communication; 
    • Understand the power of nonverbal communication; 
    • Effectively deal with emotions and conflicts; 
    • Actively listen; 
    • Identify representative systems by their characteristics; 
    • Recognize different communication metaprograms; 
    • Build trust in their team;
    • Improve interpersonal communication; 
    • Collaborate more productively with other team members.

    The uniqueness of this training lies in its interactivity and the fact that it provides practical knowledge. It is intended for everyone who wants to improve communication skills, in order to become more efficient and successful in the workplace. 

    Turning Conflict into Constructive Dialogue

    Considering the fast-paced manner in which we live our lives today, stress is increasingly present, and knowing how to turn it into a constructive dialogue is a skill that can determine future successes for individuals, as well as companies. Internal and external conflict is known to be common causes of stress, and they are often manifested through various unproductive and unsolicited behaviors. In order to avoid this stress in the first place, it is essential that we satisfy our own, as well as the psychological needs of the people we communicate with. 

    This training can assist leaders of all kinds, managers and their team members, salespeople, and all those who want to improve their skills regarding effective communication with various personality structures. 

    Discover more about yourself and others, and learn how to use differences between you and the people you communicate with, as well as your strengths, weaknesses, and potentials.


    In the business world, feedback is the basis of developmental communication, and if you’re working with people in any way it is inevitable. We all like to hear praise, yet when it comes to constructive comments or criticism – our mood most likely changes. It is not desirable to take any sort of feedback personally, especially at the workplace, even though at times a person’s sense of identity is closely related to their job. Feedback should be taken and understood as a recommendation for the future. It is also important that the supervisor or manager is open to hearing feedback from their employees. That exchange can also provide very useful insights into the effectiveness of a team’s procedures as well as their operational performances.

    Feedback as a developmental tool is intended for improving performance, growth and development, it focuses on behaviour, it is concrete and supported by details, and most importantly, it is solution and future oriented. The most effective is descriptive feedback that emphasizes the subjectivity of the evaluation.

    With the help of this training, those interested will have the opportunity to learn how to give good feedback to their interlocutor, and in order to give good feedback – also master the skill of receiving feedback. The most important takeaway is that feedback is focused on activities that can bring about the desired results.

    Decision Making

    It is often said that if a company does not move forward, it moves backward. The reason behind that is that in today’s environment, the concept of standing still is dismissed. Without a clear idea of where the company was, where it is now, and where it is headed, the top management might want to maintain the status quo, a way of doing business that can only drag the company/team down. Teams and their managers that have advanced decision-making skills have a unique power to help build a company, and thus stand out from the competition. 

    This training can help participants clarify the stages in the decision-making process, the critical points in the process itself, and most importantly, what the key values are on the basis of which we most often make decisions.

    Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:

    • Define a problem;
    • Distinguish causes from symptoms;
    • Explain the problem-solving model;
    • Describe the different ways in which decisions can be made;
    • Successfully apply practical tools for problem-solving and decision making;
    • Avoid common pitfalls in decision making.

    Managing Meetings Efficiently

    What is the purpose? What are the goals? Who will be participating? What will I need? What is on the agenda? 

    These are just some of the many questions employees might ask themselves or others before attending a meeting. 

    Your calendar is full but it seems that all of the meetings you have to attend are not helping you in any way. Every minute spent in a meaningless meeting is the time taken away from individual work, which is equally as important for creativity and efficiency. 

    Meetings are certainly necessary and they enable collaboration, creativity flow, and innovation. They also nurture relationships and ensure the proper exchange of information. 

    However, research has shown that meetings have become longer and more frequent over the last 50 years, to the point that executives spend an average of 23 hours a week in them, while in the 60s that figure was only about 10 hours. Problems with meetings arise when one has unrealistic expectations, when the agendas or plans are unclear, when conversations drag on to the point where they are no longer productive in any way when attendees are physically but not mentally present or are distracted by their phones, and when attendees feel like their presence at the meeting was unnecessary. 

    If, however you invest a little energy in properly preparing the meeting, you will notice that you will no longer have a problem staying focused during the meeting and you will have more agility in solving problems. Preparing attendees for the meeting Is also important because it will bring about a consensus more easily, and each person will more likely be ready for action after the meeting. 

    This training is also exactly what can help you solve problems in conducting meetings so that in the future you can use your, and your colleagues’ time in the most efficient way.

    Upon completion of the training the participants will be able to understand:

    • Priorities – what absolutely must be covered at the meeting;
    • Results – what absolutely must be covered at the meeting;
    • Participants – who need to be present at the meeting for the meeting to be successful; 
    • Order – what is the order of the topics covered; 
    • Time – how much time will be spent on each topic; 
    • Place – a location that will inspire the meeting; 
    • And non-verbal communication – its impact on the course of the meeting. 

    Student Business Hub

    “The Student Business Hub” is your key to preparing for the modern business world. If you’re a young, ambitious individual looking to acquire practical skills for navigating the business environment successfully, this is an opportunity you can’t afford to miss.

    With six intensive modules covering everything from self-confidence and communication to effective decision-making and leadership, this interactive and personalized training will empower you to become a young leader of the new era.

    The program consists of 3 parts:

    First part of the program:
    At the beginning, you will delve deeper into self-awareness, understanding what you truly want for your future and how you can achieve your defined goal. Additionally, you will go through individual coaching sessions.

    Individual coaching sessions:

    Young people today face many challenges and decisions that will shape their future. Individual coaching sessions provide a valuable resource for their growth and success. Coaching supports individuals in identifying strengths, goals, and potentials and inspires them to achieve desired results.

    Personalized sessions at the start of the program allow participants to set goals, clarify expectations, and gain insights into their strengths and areas for growth. Jelena’s leadership and expertise provide an individualized approach and support.

    A session at the end of the program allows participants to reflect on their progress, share achievements, and set further goals for personal and professional development. Jelena provides generous support in the reflection and planning process.

    Second part of the program:
    Working on practical skills that enable you to achieve your defined goal, as well as further business success and personal growth.

    Third part of the program:
    You will consolidate all that you have learned and elevate it to a higher level, where you will have the opportunity to learn how to cope with all the challenges that the future may bring.


    • Practical skills for modern business: You will acquire concrete and applicable skills essential for success in the business world, from communication to time management skills.
    • Individual growth and development: Through individual coaching sessions, you will identify your strengths, goals, and potentials, and you will be inspired to achieve desired results.
    • Opportunity for self-reflection: The program will allow you to better understand yourself, clarify your ambitions, and create a clear vision of your future.
    • Personalized approach: Mentoring and support from Jelena provide personalized and expert support to each participant.
    • Networking and networking: Through group work and interaction with colleagues, you will have the opportunity to connect and exchange experiences and knowledge.
    • Usable knowledge and tools: The program provides concrete techniques for effective communication, leading meetings, decision-making, and many other skills essential in the business world.
    • Readiness for a leadership position: Through a focus on leadership development, you will become a leader with confidence, focus, and skills necessary for leading teams and achieving success.


    • Who am I today, and who am I potentially?
    • Communication and dialogue for success
    • Feedback – receiving and giving
    • The concept of time
    • Decision-making. Efficient meetings.
    • Young leaders of the new era

    You can download the brochure HERE!”