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Self-sabotage can be explained as an experience of “internal conflict” that we are not fully aware of. It negatively affects your self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as your relationships with other people. Self-sabotage is reflected in:

  • postponing obligations,
  • fear of failure
  • lach of focus, giving up when things get difficult,
  • comparing oneself with others

Acting against our own interest in both professional and personal life, can lead to us becoming our own worst enemies. Self-sabotage hinders m success despite your desires, dreams and values ​​you cherish.

What does self-sabotage stem from?

The most common causes are low self-esteem, critical conversations with oneself, a flood of negative emotions, which are constantly reinforced by the failure that comes as a result of the same causes.

How to stop self-sabotaging?

  • Examine the root causes of self-sabotage
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Create self-sustaining behaviours
  • Terminate perfecionist thinking
  • Examine the underlying causes of your self-sabotage

The way to defeat self-sabotage is to monitor your behavior, feelings, thoughts and beliefs about yourself and challenge them when they come between you and your goals.

If you need support in overcoming self-sabotage, or you simply want to initiate a change and lead a more fulfilled life – coaching is an ideal solution and a great tool. Write to us via e-mail