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A few thoughts from our first lady Jelena Vuletić, ACC..

Inspired by one of the latest comments on my LinkedIn post, I decided to write about metaphors and their significance in our everyday life.

Let’s take the road to success as an example. Great metaphor, isn’t it?

There are various ones, but which road would you take?

High-way is obviously the fastest one. However, you can’t fully admire the view and enjoy the scenery. There’s no time for looking right or left. Your focus is on how to get to the desired destination as fast as possible.

There are, on the other hand, slower roads, those full of curves and dangerous points. Yet, you can enjoy nature, have the possibility to stop whenever you want, and seize the moment – it is really worth it.

So, which road to take?

It depends. It is up to you. It is sometimes good to choose intuitively, not rationally. Listen to your guts. People often take the same and known roads, which becomes a habit. If you don’t try and change something, how will you know what works best for you?

I’ve enjoyed many things throughout my coaching journey and found somatic coaching as something new and refreshing. It showed me the importance of fulfilling not only living our lives. This body-oriented coaching is really worth trying.

For example, I had wonderful training with a group of managers. Everything was enriched with elements of somatic and when I asked them for their feedback and experience, the answer instantly appeared- “Amazing journey”. That was a slogan on the T-shirt of one of the participants. All of them accepted it and saw there and then the power of metaphors. Summarizing hours of trainings into just 2 words.