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Persistence is a vital quality and an important key to success. Whether you are going through personal challenges, professional obstacles, or leadership roles, the ability to keep going when the going gets tough is essential. As a somatic and leadership coach, I have seen countless examples where people put in hard work, face disappointment and consider giving up. Although it’s not wise to persist at any cost, it is crucial to recognize the power of persistence and the unexpected opportunities that can arise.

Sometimes, just when we think there are no more options left, new possibilities emerge unexpectedly. These moments can lead to breakthroughs that we would have missed if we had given up too soon.

My four tips are:

  • Balance persistence with wisdom

Persistence doesn’t mean stubbornly continuing down a path that is clearly not working. It is about finding the balance between tenacity and wisdom. It involves assessing the situation, recognizing the moment, and understanding when it’s time to change strategies. This balanced approach ensures that we are not blindly pursuing a goal, but persisting towards it.

  • Have a calm and centered approach

Stress and nervousness can cloud our judgment and interfere with our ability to see new opportunities. By incorporating somatic practices, we can manage our stress levels and remain focused and grounded. This state of calm not only improves our persistence but allows us to navigate challenges with clarity and resilience.

  • Decide when to persist and when to let go

This decision is deeply personal and requires self-awareness and reflection. Ask yourself: “Have I explored all possible ways? Am I making progress, even if it’s slow? Is this goal still aligned with my values and objectives?” If the answers point towards persistence, then continue with determination. If not, it might be time to consider a new direction.

  • Embrace the journey

Persistence is a journey, not a destination. Embrace it with an open mind and a positive attitude. Celebrate small victories along the way and learn from setbacks. Remember, persistence is not just about reaching the end goal; it’s about the growth and strength you build along the way.