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The exchange of support is vital to fostering growth and positive work culture. I hope this post will serve as a look back and a roadmap ahead—a future where support is continual, enriching exchange driving us toward success together.

  1. The gift of giving support

In leadership, the ability to offer genuine support to colleagues and team members is a cornerstone of success. When we support, we cultivate an environment where trust and respect flourish.

Think about the examples this year where you’ve lent a helping hand, provided encouragement, or listened attentively. How have these acts of support contributed to the growth and well-being of people around you?

  1. The art of receiving support

Equally important is our capacity to receive support. Acknowledging our vulnerabilities and accepting assistance can sometimes be challenging. However, promoting a culture where asking for help is seen as a strength rather than a weakness is essential to personal and collective success. 

Consider the instances where you sought support or guidance this year. How did your colleagues respond?

Reflecting on these interactions allows you to appreciate the network of support available to you and reinforces the idea that, as a team, you are stronger together.

  1. Trust, respect, and agreements

Trust, respect, and honouring agreements are at the heart of any supportive relationship. Trust forms the foundation of effective collaboration. It assures that colleagues can rely on each other, fostering a sense of security and openness.

Respecting agreements is the glue that holds the professional relationship together. Whether meeting deadlines, delivering promises, or upholding shared values, honouring agreements establishes a culture of accountability and reliability.

A year-end assessment

As we approach the end of the year, let’s check the most important questions: How supportive have we been, and how much support have we received? By reflecting on these questions, we pave the way for a more compassionate approach to leadership and collaboration in the coming year.