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A few thoughts from our first lady Jelena Vuletić, ACC..

In the past I had the problem explaining some decisions when all the facts and figures were in place, but my intuition told me otherwise. By digging deeper and asking for more details, I confirmed that in that case my intuition was right.

  • Should we rely only on intuition?

No, not only. It can serve as a great way to confirm the facts, it can make you question some decisions and search deeper into the matter. However, the best option is to combine facts and intuition.

As a banker, I was earlier ashamed to say that I followed my intuition because people would think I am not professional enough. I am no longer shy to admit it especially since I started my coaching journey. My mentor @Priya has encouraged me to use intuition and called it one of the most powerful gifts a coach brings to coaching.

  • Why are we ashamed to admit that we use our intuition or as some may call it instinct or inner voice?

Despite being present for centuries, intuition is often ignored because it cannot be rationally explained, and business environment is still reluctant to accept it.

  • How to use your intuition?

For example, if you want to hire a coach, you will see many names. When choosing the best one for you, the first thing to do is to check credentials and relevant experience. But it is not enough. You need to click with him or her – that is intuition. Final decision is to combine expertise with your gut.

Body (unconscious) through its (non-verbal) language gives us signs – we just have to recognize them. That’s one more reason why I love doing somatic coaching. Among many things, my task as ICF accredited as well as somatic coach is, to encourage people to follow their intuition, not only facts. The results are extraordinary.

I believe in intuitions and inspirations… I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.

Albert Einstein